Avanzar has developed a unique assessment protocol to identify the actual, potential and perceived impacts of an operation or its business linkages on the human rights of the communities within the sphere of impact. Perceived impacts on the rightsholders are important to include since sometimes the company’s greatest risks are not due to actual and direct violations, but perceived human rights violations that stakeholders genuinely believe the company to be involved in. This methodology helps the company to demonstrate that the company is listening and addresses not only actual risks and impacts, but also perceived risks and impacts.
The assessment protocol indicators are based on the core international human rights instruments (UDHR, ICESCR, ICCPR, ILO Core Conventions, Child Rights Conventions) and key voluntary standards relevant to the mining industry such as the UN Guiding Principles (UNGP), Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, ICMM and EITI. The protocol also conducts an in-depth review of rights-compatible grievance mechanisms as per the UNGP.
The objective of the review is to ensure we cover the breadth of all the potential areas where the site could be exposed to human rights risks or cause human rights impacts and comply with UN Guiding Principle 18 that requires that the basis for any human rights due diligence be the internationally recognized human rights. The template was also peer-reviewed and recognized by Fund for Peace.
Conducted a Human Rights Risk assessment at 9 mine sites for a gold mining company. High risk sites were assessed every two years and risk mitigation strategies were reviewed annually. Since 2013, over 20 assessments have been conducted at their high-risk sites.
Developed Human Rights Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation strategies of a mine in Guatemala that distinguished between perceived risks and actual impacts caused by the company directly or indirectly through its contractors. As part of the assessment, Avanzar personnel facilitated an internal workshop to communicate the results and create awareness of how and why human rights matter for a company.